July 10, 2024


The birth of JESUS, the Promised “Seed of the Woman”. The prophesies that culminated in this glorious historical event draw us back to the dawn of human history. Beguiled by Satan, Adam, the first man created by God fell into sin in the Garden of Eden, which brought eternal death upon all humanity. God immediately summoned Satan and said, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her Seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel”. Centuries passed by one after another, and the promise seemed impossible for fulfilment. However, the promise of God came to be fulfilled precisely when the fullness of time was come.

At the appointed time angel Gabriel visited Mary, a pious young virgin, hailing from Nazareth, and announced, “Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS”. This virgin was betrothed to Joseph. In a supernatural dream, an angel visited Joseph and told him that “that which is conceived in Mary's womb is of the Holy Spirit. She shall bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He shall save His people from their sins”.

It was thus when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son Jesus, made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them that are under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. The expressions, “seed of the woman” and “made of a woman” are impressively significant. These unusual expressions unequivocally indicate that the woman's offspring would not have an earthly father and that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Seed of the Woman has crushed the power of Satan, triumphed over death and all those who believe in Him shall escape eternal death.

God revealed to His people, how they should live, but none could live up to God's perfect standard, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But God declares a sinner righteous by imputing His righteousness based on Jesus' atoning work on the cross. Jesus died on the cross to redeem the sinner - which means to buy the sinner from the slave market of sin (Galatians 3:13). Christ's supreme sacrifice was the final payment for the sins of the fallen human race. This payment was made by Jesus by His death on the cross and thereby met the righteous demands of a Holy God. Those who trust in Jesus' redemptive work on the cross shall become God's sons and escape from the coming judgment. Although there is only One Son Jesus in God's family, God graciously adopts as His sons all who believe in His Son Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

The coming of Lord Jesus opened a new era, the era of liberation, the era of freedom, the era of salvation and redemption! Because …” by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in the sight of God: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20). Whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, he is guilty of all (James 2:10). But now the righteousness of God is manifested…even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe … (Romans 3:21-22).

Dear reader, are you saved? If not, confess your sins and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

If you want to understand more about God’s Free Gift of Salvation in these final moments of human civilization, you could read through the several other articles in this blog archive.

- by Nadesan K. 

June 8, 2024


An eighty one year old man was piloting his private aircraft recently in Europe. All of a sudden, he suffered a major heart attack in mid air. He called his wife to the cockpit to pilot the aircraft to safety before he fell unconscious. The 80-year-old woman with little flying experience landed the aircraft safely at the airport and averted a tragedy.

Imagine the situation if his wife had not been there! What would happen if pilots disappear from aircrafts in mid-air, motor men disappear from speeding trains, drivers disappearing from speeding vehicles, the condition of patients when doctors disappear in the midst of critical surgeries!! There will be air crashes, traffic jams, accidents, destruction and deaths almost everywhere.

This is what is going to happen on the earth when the Lord Jesus Christ comes in the mid-air to snatch away the church – people who have received forgiveness of their sins – with the accompaniment of the splendour of the trumpet of God and the singing of the angelic host. A glorious sight and exhilarating experience surpassing human imagination awaits every child of God, born again Christians!

For this reason, the Lord instructed His disciples to be ready, always prepared, and be on guard for He will come at any time. This event will follow a dreadful time of suffering for the unbelieving and the unrepentant who will be left behind on the earth after the church is removed.

Jesus Christ came into the world two thousand years ago to deliver man from the bondage of sin. He offered Himself on the cross on our behalf to deliver us from God’s judgement. He became a sin offering for us and we who trust in Him receive justification through His blessed name. All those who receive Him and His message of salvation will receive eternal life, and all those who reject Christ and His gospel will receive eternal punishment in hell. For this reason He commands men everywhere to repent of their sin and trust in Jesus Christ, the Saviour.

Dear reader, do you have the assurance that you will meet the Lord in the mid year when He comes to take away His people? If not, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and escape from the coming doom and be the recipient of everlasting blessings!

If you want to understand more about God’s Free Gift of Salvation in these final moments of human civilization, you could read through the several other articles in this blog archive.

- by Nadesan K. 

May 10, 2024


Dear Readers, if you recollect, it was somewhere in November – December 2019 that we began to hear about the Covid-19 pandemic that was sweeping all over China. In a matter of a few weeks & months it had already reached USA, Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. And by April 2020, the whole world was in lockdown mode. The pandemic had rapidly spread across the whole world impacting every human on earth in some bitter way or the other, irrespective of caste, creed, color, gender, religion, etc. Many millions perished in every country in the planet, so much so that even the local government authorities couldn’t keep an exact track of the actual number of deaths.

The aftermath of the pandemic left utter destruction and ruin in the lives of countless millions globally & it has indeed left an inerasable mark on each and every of one of us. The Covid19 vaccines that were injected into human bodies are equally very destructive killing many even today as I am writing this article. And I personally lost many of my dear friends in the pandemic, which is even today very distressing & heartbreaking. I am sure that many of you who are reading this have to say the same.

Even today, there are multiple mutating variants of Covid-19 circulating unnoticed among us, as is the case with multiple other pestilences which is on the rise. But the actual reason for me writing today’s article is just to clarify that far more severe pestilences are on the horizon which would devastate humanity beyond anyone’s imagination. Now, the current pestilence in the news is Bird Flu that is very literally sweeping across the US & has got the potential to even turn into a global pandemic. Given below is a list of at least 3 headlines sparking fears of a bird flu pandemic that has a mortality rate of more than 50%.

·         The spread of bird flu virus on US dairy farms alarms WHO

·         What to know about the latest bird flu outbreak in the US

·         Could Avian Influenza Be The Next Covid-19?

Suppose this was to soon become a global pandemic, the death and devastation it would leave on this entire world would be unimaginable. The global healthcare system would instantly collapse. Can you imagine a mortality rate of more than 50%. The Covid-19 pandemic had a death rate of just 1.5%. Just imagine today we are living with much more compromised & weaker immunity systems because of the previous Covid19 pandemic and the very harmful vaccinations.

What would happen if Bird Flu spread globally? It would very surely lead to a global catastrophe. Corporations would shut down. The entire world would be locked down. The global healthcare system would instantly collapse. Consequently, the world economy would also collapse.

Now, over the last decade there has been an increase in bird flu cases among mammals. Since 2020, this virus has been spreading among more animal species. In the US, this version of the bird flu has been detected in wild birds in every state, as well as commercial poultry operations and backyard flocks. Nationwide, tens of millions of chickens have died from the virus or been killed to stop outbreaks from spreading.

The highly pathogenic avian flu subtype H5N1 which was first identified in Southern China in 1996, resulted in 850 human infections, with a mortality rate of more than 50%. Similarly in 1997, large HPAI H5N1 virus outbreaks were detected in poultry in Hong Kong, and zoonotic (animal to human) transmission led to 18 human infections with at least 6 deaths. ‘Zoonotic diseases’ also termed as ‘spillover diseases’ means diseases that come from animals to humans.

About 70% of new diseases developing around us in this world can be categorized as ‘Zoonotic diseases’. Also medical research affirms that 61% of the 1,415 pathogens known to infect humans originate with animals. Some of these diseases are familiar to us like HIV, bird flu, Ebola, dengue fever, Asian flu, yellow fever, West Nile fever and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the Trump Administration, recently disclosed in an interview for the third time publicly that he believes bird flu will be seen as the “great pandemic,” attributing it to a lab-leak from gain-of-function escape from a laboratory.

Redfield said, “Right now, it takes five amino acid changes for it to be effectively infecting humans. That’s a pretty heavy species barrier – but this virus is already in 26 mammal species, as you most recently saw cattle. But in the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in just a few months.”

Previously in an interview with Winepress in 2022, he had mentioned that the Covid19 pandemic was not the great pandemic but just a minor wake up call. Redfield then said, Yeah I think we have to recognize – I’ve always said that I think the Covid19 pandemic was a wakeup call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic. I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be serious trouble. And we should get great prepared for it. I do believe the pandemic risk is a greater risk of the national security of the United States more than North Korea, China, Russia, Iran; and we ought to start investing proportional to that national security risk so that we’re prepared.”

Also in an interview with the Hill in 2023, he had mentioned, “I do believe the next pandemic, and we’re going to have another pandemic and I think it’s going to be the great pandemic. I consider Covid19 a minor pandemic, the great pandemic’s going to come. And normally, it would come from spillover – bird flu that learns how to transmit to humans and then go to human-to-human. But I think the species barriers are very real. But it’s much more probable that it will happen because of gain-of-function research in a laboratory and then escape and then we’re going to have a pandemic… which will be much more brutal to the world than Covid was.”

Now here’s another recent headline in the News, “The US Food and Drug Administration has identified genetic traces of the virus in one in five commercial milk samples tested.” The fact that it’s in one of five commercial milk samples tested is an startling statistic, showing how widespread this virus is in cows.

Now, all this that I had written till now is just everyday news. No one for sure knows what would be next great Pandemic, whether it would be a Bird Flu pandemic or a Covid19 variant pandemic or some other pandemic with a different name. But one thing is for sure, there are multiple global pestilences that are on the horizon which would make Covid19 look like just a very minor disruptive force of the past. In order to find out how lethal these pestilences would be, let’s refer to the Holy Bible which very clearly describes end time global pestilences & it’s very severe consequences. Matthew Chapter 24: Verse 7 says, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, AND PESTILENCES, and earthquakes, in diverse places.”

Above mentioned are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. And the word pestilences is in the plural form, which means in our times and in the near future, there would be Multiple Pestilences and its variants and sub-variants which are going to devastate humanity. In the initial paragraphs in this article, I somehow managed to describe how devastating Covid19 & Vaccination was to the whole world. But I really don’t know how better to describe the coming far more deadlier pestilences that are going to befall this unsuspecting human race.

The Holy Bible mentions yet in another portion in the book of Revelation, in the 6th Chapter, and verses 7 & 8, And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death [plagues], and with the beasts of the earth.”

What is described in this verse befalls humanity in the 1st phase or the 1st half of the 7-year Tribulation period. For those of you who don’t know, the Holy Bible speaks of a 7-Year Tribulation that would befall humanity in the very near future. And this tribulation period is divided into 2 phases or 2 halves, each of 3&1/2 years. The first phase is called “The Tribulation” & the 2nd phase is called the “the Great Tribulation”.

Now, think about it, the verse says that one fourth of the earth is killed by just one judgement in the very 1st phase of the tribulation period. How much does that account for numerically. Just imagine that if suppose the global population at the time of this soon coming event is around 800 crores, one fourth, i.e. 200 crores perish in this single one judgement. And this one judgement is by sword (war), famine, plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Now, that statement, “wild beasts of the earth,” is taken by some to mean that animals will become ferocious and kill people. Others believe these are world rulers in the end times. The Antichrist is called “the beast,” in the Holy Bible and it’s the same word that is used here. However, since it occurs right after plagues, it could also refer to “spillover diseases” that come from animals to humans.

Modern travel and commerce have made the spread of these viruses much more easy & deadly. Covid19 went quickly from China to Europe and around the world in an astonishingly short time. Covid19 was the first major pandemic in recent decades, but more of these are sure to come, and we’re constantly being warned about them. Plagues and pestilence create deep fear because they’re silent, invisible killers; we can’t see them. We can also be sure that the slightest threat of a new pandemic will be seized upon by global elites to gain greater global control over entire humanity.

We saw a dress rehearsal with COVID, which almost served as a warm-up or a wake-up call. We saw demands for vaccinations, track and trace technology, and global passports with all kinds of conditions put on them for international travel. Each pandemic will bring greater control from global groups like the World Health Organization (WHO). What we see today are harbingers of greater plagues to come in the future. What the Lord Jesus Christ Himself talked about in Luke 21 and what the apostle John wrote about in Revelation 6 are looming just over the horizon. This is another sign for us that the coming of Lord Jesus Christ to take away His Church is drawing near and the end times stage is being set.

After the Lord Jesus Christ takes away His church via the very secret rapture, this entire sea of humanity would be literally thrown into the 7-year tribulation the likes of which the world has never seen. And this 7-year tribulation period is all set to very soon dawn upon this very unsuspecting world, just in this very decade ahead of us. The Bible terms this period also as the Period of Divine Judgement. There are many other innumerable signs and shadows all around us converging at the same time, of this soon coming tribulation period. Only those who have believed in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as their Lord & Saviour will escape.

Remember, the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the only one person who truly loves mankind, because HE is the very Creator of mankind. And by virtue of HIS human birth, death, burial & resurrection 2000 years ago for the sins of mankind, HE alone qualifies to be the Savior of mankind as well. HE alone can forgive us of our sins and give us everlasting life. So, it would be wise to put one’s trust in this CREATOR AND SAVIOR OF MANKIND - THE LORD JESUS CHRIST before it's too late and time runs out. In our next post, we will see more signs foreshadowing the SOON COMING TRIBULATION PERIOD OF 7 YEARS.


In case you want to refer to a link from the Bible related to the above article, you may please click on the link below..

(i)  The Lord Jesus Christ speaking to his disciples about the end of the world:-

(1) https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-Chapter-24/

(ii) Bible verses on God’s Free Gift:-

(1) Romans Chapter 3: Verse 23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

(2) Romans Chapter 6: Verse 23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(3) John Chapter 3: Verse 16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

- by Joy N. 

April 8, 2024


Dear Readers, in today’s post we are going to see yet another end-time sign which signifies to us that the Bible Prophesied 7-year tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. These are signs in the heavens or what we call the celestial bodies. There is a verse in the Holy Bible that mentions that God is going to use the created celestial bodies also as “signs”. Genesis Ch 1: V14 says, And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” This means God had created the day and the night not just for seasons, days and years, but for the signs too. And especially in the last days, these signs would become increasingly momentous.

The Holy Bible says in Luke Ch 21:- V25, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.” That’s indeed an apparent description of the celestial signs that usher in the 7-year Tribulation period, which brings in severe turmoil and violent upheaval among the nations & the earth dwellers. The big question is, so are we seeing those signs today? Well, I would list a few signs in the heavens that have been happening of late and also describe the significance of these signs. Note these signs also correspond to news reports of very unusual occurrences simultaneously occurring in the dark regions of space, all of which portend to impending Bible prophecy fulfillment with the horrific 7-year tribulation in view.

Talking about celestial signs, to begin with, on March 25, 2024, the penumbral lunar eclipse was witnessed in many parts of our planet. This was visible to the naked eye as 95.57% of the moon was immersed in the earth’s penumbral shadow. This lunar eclipse painted the sky red over much of the planet on that particular day. More importantly, this “blood moon eclipse” coincided with the Jewish festival of Purim, on the very same day of March 25, 2024. So, some had termed it the “blood moon Purim eclipse”We can find the origins of the Jewish festival Purim in the Holy Bible in the book of Esther. For more details, please check this link, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/search=Esther%209&version=KJV.  Israel’s enemies wanted to destroy her, but in the end, we see how Israel prevailed over her enemies. This is not just mentioned in the Holy Bible, but also a confirmed historical fact.

Looking at the currently developing Middle East tension, it looks like this is an important indicator and warning to the entire planet that there could be some major war/wars in the Middle East involving Israel in the coming months or years. And Israel might emerge victorious irrespective of the extremely difficult circumstances & international isolation she faces.

Secondly, we had the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on April 8th, when the sun, moon, and seven other planets in our solar system all lined up in the sky. This phenomenon was visible in Mexico, the United States & Canada. This was once in a lifetime very special event. Scientists have noted that this Great American Eclipse of 08th April 2024 completed the giant “X” over America that the Great American Eclipse of 2017 started. These scientists also pointed out that previously, approximately 3 months after the eclipse of 1811 completed the giant “X” over America; the New Madrid fault zone had witnessed the biggest & most destructive earthquakes in American History. According to the USGS, at one point the geography of the region became so distorted by seismic activity that the Mississippi River actually began to flow backwards temporarily.

Now, the “X” sign doesn’t seem to be a good sign. It clearly speaks of disapproval or condemnation. And is this a sign only for America or for the whole world? My guess is this is a sign or warning not just for America but for the whole world. All of us very well know that today the USA is the economic, financial & military powerhouse of the world. Once America sinks, the whole world is going to sink with it. There is a strong possibility that the next few years could see God’s hand of judgment over America and consequently over the whole world. America’s famed evangelist the late Mr. Billy Graham once exclaimed, "If God doesn't soon bring judgment upon America, He'll have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!"

Next, we heard of the run of the ‘devil comet’ from the “blood moon Purim eclipse” on March 25th and the total solar eclipse on April 8th. This comet shows up only once in 71 years. The celestial body Pons-Brooks is popularly known as the Devil Comet due to its periodic eruptions of ice and gas. These volcanic-like eruptions give the comet the appearance of having devil horns. What I find here interesting is due to this phenomenon this comet is named after the devil himself. The Bible in Revelation 12:12 says, Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” What we can infer from this is, very probably the time for Satan and his host to be cast from the mid-heavens down to the earth is at hand. And when he is cast down, the Bible Prophesied 7-year tribulation period would immediately start. In this ensuing 7-year tribulation period, the devil & his hosts are going to rip this planet apart with their reign of unprecedented horror and bloodshed. The Bible very explicitly says in Mathew 24:22, “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”

Next, NASA is telling us of another celestial occurrence scheduled to happen sometime between now and September 2024; a star that is 3,000 light years away will explode. This explosion would be so bright that it would be visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere. Again, these are unusual occurrences in the dark regions of space, clearly signifying that very bad times are very fast approaching the inhabitants of this earth.

Also, it is expected that there will be “Blood Moon Purim Eclipses” for 3 years in a row in 2024, 2025, and 2026. As mentioned previously, the 2024 blood moon eclipse has already occurred on 25th March 2024. But it is expected that there will be “blood moon eclipses” on Purim in 2025 and 2026 too.

Indeed, the years 2024, 2025, and 2026 seem to be very important years from the Bible Prophecy perspective. We could see increased hostility towards the nation of Israel in these years. With Iran, Turkey, Yemen, Hezbollah, and Hamas standing together against Israel, there could be an all-out war in the Middle East anytime. And if Russia joins in this war, a very catastrophic Bible Prophesied war is surely on the cards. This war is mentioned in Ezekiel 38 & 39 of the Holy Bible. For more details, please check this link, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/search=Ezekiel%2038&version=KJV. It’s very clearly mentioned here that all of Israel’s enemies would be defeated by supernatural intervention. That means not the late great USA, but GOD is about to interfere and help Israel against the mighty Middle East coalition of Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Ethiopia, Africa, other smaller nations & armies, etc.

But let us understand, what happens when God intervenes. There would be very catastrophic destruction in the Middle East. Its horrific impact would fall on the entire planet. At that time, there would be multiple disasters globally confronting helpless and weary humanity. There would be multiple simultaneous wars & rumors of wars. There would be massive economic collapse, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, joblessness, hyperinflation, multiple killer pandemics, extreme poverty, technological enslavement, murder, bloodshed, thefts, violent crime, & the list goes on and on.

At such a violent time, Satan would raise a man from Europe and possess him. He would be the Antichrist. He would enslave all mankind with the power of technology. He would show no mercy to humanity because he knows his time is short. He himself is in trouble, as the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is going to judge him and throw him into the bottomless pit also called Hell. Hence, he would be inflicting quick and very severe pain and death on mankind as he wants the entire humanity to be with him in Hell.

Satan and his Antichrist would be targeting & killing/beheading all those who have put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, there would be many Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Communists, etc. who would be trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ at that time and be beheaded for the sake of Christ. But dear reader, my plea with you today is, today you have a better chance to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. All you have to do is confess your sins before the Lord Jesus Christ & ask Him to forgive you. You have to acknowledge that 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself died for your sins on that old rugged cross. He was buried but rose again victoriously on the 3rd day defeating the power of sin, satan & death. Today, it is relatively easier to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and enter into heaven with minimum persecution. Remember this time is very short. The Bible Prophesied Tribulation is very fast approaching the earth and in all chances could hit this earth within the next few years.

The best part is that all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ today, would not be remaining here to face the horrific 7-year Tribulation period. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon to rapture, whisk away, or take away all those who believe in Him or all the Bible-believing Christians. Those who have not believed in Him/or rejected Him would be left behind to face the horrific 7-year tribulation and thereafter the eternal lake of fire. So, today is the better time, today is the day of salvation. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, before it is too late and time runs out. Our earnest prayer is that you too would be able to taste God’s free gift of salvation.

If you want to understand more on this, you could read through the several other articles in this blog archive.

- by Joy N. 

March 3, 2024


Dear Readers, do you know that the United Nations Agenda 2030 is currently being enforced globally by the globalists, and they are more than halfway through to achieve it fully in this very decade i.e. by the year 2030? What the Bible calls this is, “the Horrific 7-Year Tribulation”. Now that things are beginning to fall into place for the creators and implementers of this agenda, the only restraining force or delaying force for the complete accomplishment of this agenda is the miraculous rapture of all the Bible-believing Christians.

Immediately after this miraculous rapture event, the Antichrist would make use of the subsequent chaos and confusion to merge every single national government into a one-world government which would be headed by the Antichrist himself. Yes, this effort to exercise tyrannical control over the entire humanity would escalate soon after the miraculous rapture of all the Bible-believing Christians.

Now what exactly is this United Nations Agenda 2030? On Sept. 23, 2015, Pope Francis in his meeting at the White House discussed a global constitution, a world court, and a world government by 2030. Days later, he addressed these issues at the United Nations. The United Nations introduced a document titled “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which consists of 17 detailed Sustainable Development Goals.

Enthusiasts called it a “New Universal Agenda.” “Universal” comes from the Preamble of the document itself. In essence, the document calls for a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a one-world economic system. Observe 5 things from the Pope’s dialogue and the UN document: A world constitution, a world court, a world government, a world religion, and a world economic system. The UN swiftly voted on the document (“Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”). When the vote was announced, delegates from 193 nations stood and gave thunderous applause. The UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon further added that (2) the world entered a NEW ERA on Jan. 1. 2016, and (2) There is a NEW UNIVERSAL AGENDA that every nation will implement before 2030.

Today, 7 years later, the world has considerably changed from what it was in 2015 because the United Nations Agenda 2030 was introduced and followed up rigorously throughout the entire globe. The Agenda 2030 was forced upon the people in most nations by individual national governments against the will of the common man. As a result, there were worldwide protests and civil unrest on a scale never seen before. But as expected, some national governments brutally cracked down on these protests. The brutal crackdown of Canada’s protesting truck drivers is just one of the many such cases.

Our world has changed substantially today and looks very unrecognizable. And simultaneously and suddenly the people’s power has reduced considerably. The national governments world over had begun to exercise absolute tyrannical control over the people and even their everyday life activities. This has left human rights organizations and the common man shocked, defenseless, and speechless.

In Today’s post, I am going to pick up certain excerpts from the United Nations Agenda 2030 and prove why this agenda is preparing the entire world for a one-world government under a single Global Dictator/or Antichrist as mentioned in the Holy Bible. So, you would all know, that all this was prophesied in the Holy Bible thousands of years ago so that many of us would understand the prophetic times we live in and have a definite way of escape.

For lack of space and better readability here are just a few excerpts from the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 with the explanation.

• The document preamble declares, “ALL countries and stakeholders, acting in a collaborative partnership, WILL (not may—WILL) implement this plan.”:- This means nations don’t have a choice. This agenda is forced on all nations and any refusal to implement this agenda may result in some kind of war-like flashpoints and even hot war. Nuclear powers like Russia, China, North Korea, etc. would not so easily surrender their sovereignty to the one world government. This should clearly explain the reason for the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the Russia-NATO and China-Taiwan-USA Tensions.

• By 2030, the UN WILL be transformed into a body that will REQUIRE all nations to obey:- The UN’s goal cannot be easily implemented, because as mentioned in the previous point, all national governments would not surrender their sovereignty so very easily. So, it might be that only after much war and unimaginable economic and natural catastrophes, nuclear powers like Russia and China also surrender completely to the UN’s one-world government.

• There is a mention in the Agenda 2030 document that NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING WILL BE LEFT BEHIND to escape this next great leap forward:- This has to do with the common man. None of the common people would escape the tyranny unleashed by the World government. Just imagine, if nuclear powers like Russia and China would reach a scenario where they surrender to the one world government either by consent or by force, how even the common man would be trampled under the brutal dictatorship of the one world government. Every human would be forced to follow the rules of the one-world government failing which they would be deprived even of basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter.

• We should expect the “Transformation of the World” to start impacting EVERY nation BEFORE 2030:- Oh yes, the world is continuing to get transformed just before our very eyes. Almost every national and global catastrophe has been used to further this tyrannical agenda. The COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccination Passports were all deliberated with this intention. There are hundreds of thousands who died due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination. All this has hastened the fulfillment of their agenda. And the death rate would continue to rise exponentially on an unimaginable scale as this agenda is continued to be forced upon the common man.

• It was also being planned that the world’s CHILDREN NEEDED TO BE INDOCTRINATED with the idea that we are all “global citizens.”:- The Agenda 2030 has been introduced into schools and corporations throughout the world to condition people into thinking that very dynamic change is coming and that they are global citizens and no more national citizens.

• UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon called this transformation of the world the “START OF A NEW ERA.”:- Ever since 2015, several steps have been taken towards the implementation of this goal on a global scale like a Cashless Society, Single Nation Tax, and Demonetization, etc. just to name a few.

• Ban Ki-moon said the world is about to realize the “dream of a world peace and dignity for all”:- Throughout the Agenda 2030 document, several times the words ‘peace and security’ have been mentioned. Yes, the Bible speaks of a false peace covenant between the nation of Israel and the rest of the world/or Islamic world which would be brokered by the Antichrist. And the Agenda 2030 is laying the sure groundwork for such a situation.

The Bible mentions that the Antichrist shall cause craft to prosper and by peace shall he destroy many. Please check this right from the pages of the Holy bible, Daniel Chapter 8 verse 25:- “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many”. It might be that the nuclear powers are persuaded to be a part of this agenda in a subtle but peaceful way because a hot war with Russia, China, Iran, etc. could bring the end of the human race.

• Poverty would be eradicated:- This goal intends to indicate that poverty would be put to an end on a global scale. But under the pretext of wealth distribution, the rich and mighty would be stripped of all their possessions & identity. The poor would also be losing whatever they have along with their identity. The actual intent is to enslave all mankind and chip them with the mark of the beast. And that no men buy or sell except they have the mark of the beast. Please check this link- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/search=Revelation%2013andversion=KJV. This is United Nations Agenda 2030 which was prophesied in Revelation chapter 13 in the Holy Bible some 2000 years ago. 

• Uninterrupted mass migration of refugees is encouraged:- This should give us a clear explanation of the forced migration of Muslims to Europe, America, and even Asia. The Globalists have always been making use of major man-made catastrophes like war to further this agenda of forced Migration. This is done with the intent to deliberately sow tension and insecurity among the masses so that the governments could quickly establish a police state under the pretext of cracking down on violent crime.

• Governments would control healthcare:- The actual intent of this Agenda 2030 is to control every sphere of every single human on earth. And control of Medical healthcare is one of those. In the aftermath of the recent COVID-19, corporations, and health organizations across the world forced people to get vaccinated before they start to work from the office. People could not decide not to get vaccinated. And those who were vaccinated had to carry vaccine passports with them, failing which they were not allowed for air travel or even continue in their jobs.

• National Governments would control education:- This is to ensure gender equality, empower women, etc. This agenda forces schools and corporates the world over to promote LGBTQ rights and encourages transgenders to compete in women’s sports, etc. And no one had the choice to disagree with any of these forced initiatives). In some countries like the US and Canada, stringent laws have been introduced recently to prevent people from voicing their opinions against these forced initiatives. 

• National Governments would control all production:- Yes, this was one of the worst situations the world had to face recently in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. These were lockdowns, and these lockdowns which were introduced on a global scale saw the extinction of many small and big companies. Even the Large MNCs are not spared. Its brutal impact continues to impact the world labor force even today. Last year and this year combined, several lakhs of the labor force were laid off from the most prominent MNCs.

Adding to this, the Russian-Ukraine war and Houthi attacks on Western shipping would put a lot of pressure on global production and trade. Then there is the government's attempt to take over farmer’s lands and livelihood and control food production. We are seeing numerous farmer protests the world over due to this. But all this is a part of the Agenda 2030 Goals for sustainable development.

• You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy:- This is clear proof of how tyrannical the one-world government is going to be. Today, we see different kinds of freedom being slowly and covertly snatched away from the people. The common man has begun losing freedom of speech, freedom to vote, etc. In a few more years, the common man would not have the freedom to even have bank savings, own a home, or even own a vehicle. Humanity would be slowly stripped of all their bank savings, possessions, and ownership. The government would decide what the people should eat and whether they even have the right to survive.

Also, there is a plan to merge Technology with humans to completely control every human being. Please read my previous February post to understand more about this in this link - https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/2024/02/one-digital-id-to-rule-us-all-racing.html. Indeed, horrific times are ahead of us, as prophesied in the Holy Bible.

Dear Reader, I hope by now you have an understanding of how something so monstrous and horrific is planned against humanity. Yes, Agenda 2030 which is implemented globally would surely lead this world to the Bible Prophesied 7-year tribulation and a one-world government. Satan and his agents have been long planning this to deceive and destroy humanity. Satan’s intention is not only to destroy humanity on earth in every way possible but also to take as many as possible to Hell or the Lake of Fire, which is actually his eternal abode. He wants us also to perish in our unforgiven sins so that we would also accompany him in the lake of fire where there would be only weeping and gnashing of teeth forever and ever.

The only person who can deliver us from this horrible ending of ours is the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came into this world to die for the sins of mankind. He was the sinless, spotless Son of God, who paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. He died for our sins, was buried but rose again victoriously on the 3rd day defeating the power of sin, Satan, and death. The Lord Jesus Christ had dealt a death blow to Satan. All we have to do is confess our sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour and that he died for our sins, was buried but rose again victoriously on the 3rd day. 

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon to rapture or take away all those who believe in Him or all the Bible-believing Christians. Those who have not believed in Him would be left behind to face the horrific 7-year tribulation and thereafter the eternal lake of fire. Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ would be available during the 7-year Tribulation period as well, but at that time life would be so difficult that people would hesitate to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for fear of death as everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ at that time would be put to death by the Antichrist and his one world government. So, today is the better time, today is the day of salvation. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, before it is too late and time runs out. Our earnest prayer is that you too would be able to taste God’s gift of Salvation.

If you want to understand more on this, you could read through the several other articles in this blog archive.

- by Joy N.