July 1, 2023


A vast multitude of people around the globe are led astray by cult leaders and blind guides, who claim to possess extraordinary spiritual knowledge and powers. Such claims have repeatedly proven false, yet there is no dearth of followers. Strange as it may seem, the list of followers is not confined to the illiterate masses, but includes ministers, top ranking officers and high profile personalities!

The fact remains that God does not desire any soul to go astray and perish, but that every soul should experience ‘eternal life’. So God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ into this world to show man the way to God, the Father. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by Me”.

Christ is the ‘only way’ to reach the Father, for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby you must be saved. There is no other way to attain salvation, but by the Lord Jesus Christ only, for He, as the high priest, by His own blood entered in once into the holy place, and obtained eternal redemption for us. The Lord Jesus Christ is ‘the Truth’ being the substance and fulfillment of the types and figures of the Old Testament. He is the ‘only Truth’ as opposed to ‘the falsehood’ we see around.

The Lord Jesus Christ is also ‘the life’. He is the only source and fountain of all life. He is the redeemer of souls from eternal death and giver of everlasting life. However depraved, poor, week and miserable you may feel now, yet by trusting in Him, you can experience the joy of a ‘new life’ now and a ‘glorious life’ in everlasting mansions above, after you leave this world.

The Lord Jesus Christ is not merely one of the ways to salvation, but he is the ‘only way’ for there is no other way. None can imagine reaching heaven except through the Lord Jesus Christ, who died a vicarious death on the cross, for you and for me. He was buried, but rose again on the third day. He ascended to heaven and is seated on the right hand of God, the Father. Jesus will come again soon to take his people unto Himself. If you trust in this risen and living Savior, you shall receive eternal life. Dear reader, are you saved? Do you have the assurance of salvation? If not, confess your sins to Him and receive Jesus, the Christ of God as your Lord and Saviour right now.

- by Nadesan K.