April 7, 2023


Naaman, the captain of the host of the king of Syria was a mighty man of valour and honourable, but he was a leper. The sacred Scriptures describe leprosy as a loathsome disease to which stigma is attached which is used an illustration of sin. Naaman heard about Elisha the man of God who could heal him of his leprosy. So, he went to Israel with his horses and chariot and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. Namaan, being a great and powerful captain expected the prophet to come out to him and heal him by display of healing power. But Elisha refused to come to him on the basis of his power and position. Instead, he offered him healing through a messenger asking him to “go and wash in Jordan seven times” and healed. Naaman felt offended and went away in anger. But persuaded by his servants, Namaan went down, and dipped seven times in Jordan and was completely healed of his leprosy. Namaan not only received just physical healing, but spiritual healing too and made solemn vow not to serve any other gods other than the only true and living God.

The way to obtain Salvation or Moksha or Eternal Life, whatever we may call, is as simple as that; that is by grace… “through faith” in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Just as Namaan was a leper, you and I are infected with the disease of sin of leprosy and need healing, which the Lord Jesus Christ alone can grant. Dear reader, put aside all your reasoning, put aside your rationalist thinking, put aside all your pride, and come and obey the voice of God - believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and be saved. God in His marvellous grace sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ into this world. He became sin for us, He bore our sins on the cross and He was punished for our sins. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and my sins and rose again on the third day. He was once dead, but now He is alive and lives for evermore. The Lord Jesus will come again in power and glory to judge the world and to punish those who reject Him. God has assured us in His Word, that whosoever believes in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ shall not perish in the unquenchable fire in Hell but shall have everlasting life.

However sinful you are, however wretched you are, however unclean you are, there is a readiness on the part of God our Saviour to pardon you. He paid the penalty of your sins on the cross. God does not desire you to perish in your sins. God wants to give you eternal life. If you simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour as God's Word bids you, you will immediately experience the joy of “Salvation” or “everlasting life” or “Moksha”. Dear reader, have you received the forgiveness of your sins?  If not so, repent your sins and receive the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Saviour and Lord and be saved!

- by Nadesan K.