November 3, 2023


It was an extraordinary day in the history of mankind! Jesus, the Light of the world was crucified. Never ever in the history of the world lived any man as holy and sinless as this Man Jesus was. None could ever find any fault in Him. The judge who examined Him testified repeatedly that he found no fault in Him. The heavenly Father attested repeatedly that He is well pleased with His beloved Son, Jesus. Yet, He was subjected to unlawful trials, humiliation, scourging, and finally to crucifixion, the most heinous punishment.

The most awe-inspiring events that followed His crucifixion were that nature changed its course as from the sixth hour to the ninth hour, there was mysterious darkness over all the land (Matthew 27:45), the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent, and so on. As the sun withdrew his light, impenetrable darkness set in on the entire land for three hours because the event on the cross was “too holy” for the sinful human eyes to behold, for “in the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed before the LORD: It is Most Holy” (Leviticus 6:25). And it was during those three dreadful hours that the Lord Jesus, the sinless beloved Son of God, being made sin for you and for me and for everyone else, was drinking the cup of God's wrath.

As Jesus hung on the cross bearing the sin and guilt of the entire human race, which includes you and I, the Father hid His face from the Son. Jesus experienced on the cross the dark clouds of the fierce judgment of God, because “…God hath made Jesus to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Sorrow filled the heart of the Most Holy Son of God, and He cried with the agony of His soul, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?”. This question has puzzled many, but Jesus Himself answered His question, “For Thou art Holy” (Psalm 22:3). Jesus was made accountable for our sins, yours and mine. God vindicated His holiness and laid bare the sinfulness of our sins.

Jesus patiently endured the wrath of the righteous God the Father on the cross to save the entire humanity from the jaws of eternal death. The sufferings did not deter the Redeemer from completing the task entrusted to Him by His Father. The melancholy cry gave way to the cry of jubilation, “It is finished” (John 19:30). And He commended His Spirit into the hands of His Father (Luke 23:46). He was buried, but rose again on the third day as foretold by Him. Then He ascended to heaven and is seated on the right hand of His Majesty on High. He promised to come back again to take unto Himself those who shall receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Dear reader, if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and confess your sins to Him, you shall receive the forgiveness of your sins and will escape the coming judgment. But the fierce judgment of God will be the portion of all those who reject the means of salvation now offered to them…the torment hellfire, by their own choice. Dear reader, do you have the assurance that you will escape the coming judgment? If not, Behold! Now is the acceptable time!

- by Nadesan K. 


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