August 8, 2024


The recent torrential rains that severely hit various states of North India left several people dead and missing. These rains submerged hundreds of villages, affecting road and railway traffic, leaving many people marooned.

Several centuries ago, the earth was ravaged by a phenomenal flood. When the earth was filled with ungodliness and wickedness, God decided to destroy man by a natural cause, flood and to make a new beginning. But there was one man named Noah, who remained blameless. He warned the people around him about the coming judgement, but they would not listen. He built a huge Ark as directed by God, where he and his family will remain safe through the disaster. God caused rain to fall on the earth forty days and forty nights. On that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth and flood gates of heaven were opened.

On that very day Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives entered the Ark. They had with them in the Ark pairs of all creatures that had breath of life in them. As the waters increased, the Ark was lifted above the earth. The waters greatly increased and covered the high mountains and the Ark floated on the surface of the water. In the flood, every living thing that moved on the earth perished – birds, livestock, wild animals, every living creature on dry land and all mankind. God preserved only Noah and his family and the animals that entered the Ark.

When Noah came forth from the Ark, God made a covenant with Noah that the waters shall no more become a flood of such magnitude to destroy all flesh. God set a rainbow in the clouds as a covenant sign of the promise of God, proclaiming peace between God and man.

The Rainbow intimates us about God’s covenant of love and mercy and the mediatory work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the sun of righteousness, who is described with a rainbow above His throne (Rev 4: 3) and a rainbow upon His head (Rev10: 1). Though God will not drown the world again, in the end, the world will be consumed by fire. All those who refuse to trust in the mediatory work of the Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ and live an unrepentant life will be destined to spend their eternity in the unquenchable hell fire. There shall be only weeping and wailing all through eternity, being shunned from the presence of God. But all those repentant sinners who put their trust in the Saviour shall spend their eternity in inexplicable joy in the glorious presence of God.

Dear Reader, do you have the hope of spending your eternity in the glorious presence of God? If not so, trust in the Lord Jesus Christ right now & receive forgiveness of your sins.

If you want to understand more about God’s Free Gift of Salvation in these final moments of human civilization, you could read through the several other articles in this blog archive.

- by Nadesan K. 

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