June 8, 2024


An eighty one year old man was piloting his private aircraft recently in Europe. All of a sudden, he suffered a major heart attack in mid air. He called his wife to the cockpit to pilot the aircraft to safety before he fell unconscious. The 80-year-old woman with little flying experience landed the aircraft safely at the airport and averted a tragedy.

Imagine the situation if his wife had not been there! What would happen if pilots disappear from aircrafts in mid-air, motor men disappear from speeding trains, drivers disappearing from speeding vehicles, the condition of patients when doctors disappear in the midst of critical surgeries!! There will be air crashes, traffic jams, accidents, destruction and deaths almost everywhere.

This is what is going to happen on the earth when the Lord Jesus Christ comes in the mid-air to snatch away the church – people who have received forgiveness of their sins – with the accompaniment of the splendour of the trumpet of God and the singing of the angelic host. A glorious sight and exhilarating experience surpassing human imagination awaits every child of God, born again Christians!

For this reason, the Lord instructed His disciples to be ready, always prepared, and be on guard for He will come at any time. This event will follow a dreadful time of suffering for the unbelieving and the unrepentant who will be left behind on the earth after the church is removed.

Jesus Christ came into the world two thousand years ago to deliver man from the bondage of sin. He offered Himself on the cross on our behalf to deliver us from God’s judgement. He became a sin offering for us and we who trust in Him receive justification through His blessed name. All those who receive Him and His message of salvation will receive eternal life, and all those who reject Christ and His gospel will receive eternal punishment in hell. For this reason He commands men everywhere to repent of their sin and trust in Jesus Christ, the Saviour.

Dear reader, do you have the assurance that you will meet the Lord in the mid year when He comes to take away His people? If not, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and escape from the coming doom and be the recipient of everlasting blessings!

If you want to understand more about God’s Gift of Salvation in these final moments of human civilization, you could read through the several other articles in this blog archive.

- by Nadesan K.